Thursday, June 26, 2014

Reality vs Heart

taken by me
Salah satu hal yang paling gabisa gw mengerti sampe saat ini.... cinta.

Monday, June 23, 2014

J'aime Aliments

(Read: I Love Foods)

Everyone eats foods because they need it. The most important thing beside water for our live. What if, foods are disappear? What will you do to replace them for your body? Don't even imagine it because... Our present will vanish. Completely.

In this... For the most delicious post I've ever made, I pick foods that I love, but maybe some of them only exist in Indonesia. So, shall we? :9

Saturday, June 21, 2014


Banyak hal yang udah terlewatkan dalam kurun waktu 2 bulan ini, but mostly, it is the most happiest moment in my life. Gapernah ngerasa sebegini bersyukur sama Tuhan buat semua yang udah diberikan dalam hidup gw. Tau kenapa gw bisa bilang gini? Liat aja badan gw. I'm back with my big belly, chubby cheeks, and lemakz. My best pals! Huraiii! *besok gw bakalan sedot lemak di Korea, liat aja lol*

Thursday, June 19, 2014


Almost 2 months. Gw belum sempet ngepost apa-apa. Terlalu sibuk dengan dunia sendiri, well bentar lagi gw bakal ngepost tentang apa yang udah terjadi dalam hidup gw. Apa yang harus gw lupakan dan apa yang harus gw banggakan.

Susah banget rasanya buat stick to the plan. Setidaknya, gw berhasil meraih beberapa goal untuk hidup gw ke depan. Penasaran kan? I'll post it soon! Love you, xoxo. 

Anyway, if you want to ask me something, you can reach me by cintyamelia πŸ˜˜

Peace yo! #salam2jari cintyamelia
instagram: cintyamelia