Friday, August 6, 2010

I Will Follow Him

I will follow him,

Follow him where ever he may go
And near him I always will be,
For nothing can keep me away
He is my destiny.
I will follow him.
Ever since he touched my heart I knew
There isn't an ocean too deep,
A mountain so high it can keep,
Keep me away,
Away from his love

Reff :
I love him, I love him, I love him
And where he goes I'll follow,
I'll follow, I'll follow
I will follow him,
Follow him where ever he may go
There isn't an ocean too deep,
A mountain so high it can keep,
Keep me away.
We will follow him,
Follow him where ever he may go.
There isn't an ocean too deep,
A mountain so high it can keep
Keep us away,
Away from his love

I love him, oh yes I love him
I'll follow,I'm gonna follow.
True love, he'll always be my true love
Forever, from now until forever.

I love him, I love him, I love him
And where he goes I'll follow,
I'll follow, I'll follow.
He'll always be my true love, my true love,
My true love from now until forever,
Forever, forever.
There isn't an ocean too deep,
A mountain so high it can keep,Nothing can keep us away,
Away from his love. 

- sister act

Saturday, July 31, 2010

selalu SAKIT PERUT di kelas

ah iah ! gue mules sangat amat di kelas
KENAPA ?! (ngga nyantai)
oh ya, pelakunya ngga laen dan ga bukan pasti puput --> temen sebangku gw yg stres sangat
ckck. perut gw udah melilit juga gara" diee -____-'
gue ketawaaaaa sampe mo keluar usus gue dari perut *lebay dah
awas lo put gue bales kapan" ! HAHA

yang gue lakuin sama DIA di kelas kamis-jumat :
1. tampar-tamparan (yg kena puput mulu HHAA)
2. gw pukul-pukul meja sampe ditegur guru -_-'
3. coret-coret ngga jelass (like : iloveyou, puput ♥ ???, cintya ♥ andrew, etc etc :))
4. apa lagi yah? hmm jadi lupa saya. kekna si yg keempat gw maen ekpresi muka gt --' kadang diem kadang monyong terus diem lagi terus kembali ke num 1 WKWK kocak cacad

udah ah itu aja sama PUTE ! *mampus lu ga nanggung lu HAHA*
hmm di bagian depan tempat duduk saya itu yah, ada si vian. nah ini dia biang kerok kedua gue -_-' stres" dah ni gw di kelas 9 haha :))
belum joget aje di kelas -_-' lama lama di panggil kali gw ke BK wkwk

ah vian ini wkwk . dia yg ngeliat gue gila sma putput *lhO?
sampe cengo abis itu kdang gw isenk manggil dia 'viann, viaan, lo ekskul apa?!'
wkwk berkali kali kek gtu sampe dia blg 'udah ah capek udah tau jg lo HAHAH'
dodol dah sumpah
tapi paling gila pas pelajarannya pak ponc* haha. bener-bener
kalo ada dia gue udah bilang 'ehmm kita ngpn yuk biar ga bosen, surat-suratan gtu atao bengong or apalah WKWK'
itu bilangnya ke temen sebangku gue . siapapun wkwk :P

ahh sudahlah
yang paling parah hari JUMAT KEMAREN ! suer gue udah kek mo diperkosa ending"nya --'
cacad lahh ~~ di depan ruang guru pula . wkwk
jadi, gw ga mau ngapa-ngapain awalna. cuman ngobrol ma oline di depan 9b sampe akhirnya VIAN DATANGGG --'
dateng-dateng ngacak-ngacak rambut gue. aduhaii --
iket rambut gue diambill --' dioper-oper sama oline ckck dilempar gtu mereka ngopernya
tega amet sih lah ma guee . 2 lawan 1 --'
aaa-- sampe lari-lari gue cuman mau ngambil 1 iket rambut ituu aa aa aa ==
15 menit ist ke 2 cuman dihabisin bt gtuan doank . TEGA TEGA TEGA ==
gue ngos-ngosan lari. bolak balik aja itu 9D 9B ==
sampe udah mo bel, ada tiara. dia ikutan juga
udah deh 3 lawan 1. tega tega tega tega tega ==
dilempar-lempar terus iket rambut guee
oline ma vian kan anak basket . lebih gesir daripada gue yg cuman anak bultang :'(

udah bell ~ udah pasrah gue iket rambut gw ga kembali
gw dapet iket rambut gue
tapi langsung diserbu sama mereka bertiga. HABISLAH GUE -_____-'
diklitikin mo ngmbil iket rambut doank, gw udh mo mati ketawa itu wkwk
diliatin anak-anak lagi *kan kejadianna sekarang di depan 9C HAHAHA
ada guru lagi WKWK
udah deh. kiamat == . tpi untungnya ada penyelamat guee, GABYY =))
dia dateng terus bilang 'udah bel udah bel WOI!' ah swt cuman gtu doank
tapi tak apalahh . ini dia udh kek mo diperkosa saia ==. malu malu tapi GOKIL wkwk

yahh sampe di kelas masih berlanjutt~
cuman ga separah ituu ahaha :)
ahh saya senang lho
terimakasih temann :DD

- cintyamelia :D

Friday, July 23, 2010

2 minggu

2 minggu sekolah maksudnya -_______-
ah betein banget sekolah wkwk
tapi gw jg pengen sekolah sih . lebih enak daripada di rumah
gw kangen temen temennya bukan pelajarannya yah hha

huah . untung ni hari udah hari terakhir . jadina besok libur :D
ato lebih tepatnya, main bultang terus jalan jalan :))))
oh tapi untuk sekolah, it sucks lah . seteres gw .
masuk masuk langsung ulangan, peer, tugas kelompok ini itu
idih idih . masalahnya udah kelas 9 jadinya gini dah
ngejer biar kelar sebelum 2011 -_______-
tapi tak apalah . MARET udah UN . jadinya lebih cepat biar lulus guee :D
asik asik . lebih cepet SMA lebih baek
yodah . saya hanya menjalani kurang lebih yah 10 bulan bersama tarki di kelas 9 dengan berbagai macam penyiksaan *lebay gtu dah gue -_-

udah ah ~~
stres gw banyak tugas wkwk
caoo :P

- cintyamelia :|

Sunday, July 11, 2010

12 July 2010

First time back to school after longgg .. summer holiday :)

okey long time no see my friends in a new classes, new day, new friends hha
so yeah, i'm still in junior high 9th grades :)
but it doesn't matter cause tomorrow i haven't got MOS (masa orientasi siswa), so definetely i'm free from kakak kelas hands hha =pp
oh my, next year i'll got it and i never patient to wait for it ;)
for kakak kelas :P, give me a little bit FUNNIEST, COOLEST experience i've never hadd next year okeyy . not now -____________-

udah ah kenapa jadi bahas soal gue mos -___-
so okey i'm ready for tomorrow 
but yeah, i'm sick right now . BATUK PILEK
oh i hate this soo much -__________-

fine . 11 oclock . gotta go
need very nice sleep cause tomorrow i'll have UPACARA at school hha

- cintyamelia ;)
i'm coming 9D :)
hello mrs. enny and all my classmate ;]

goodbye 8C :'(
well, bye bye mr. bowoo :'(
we'll miss you :)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Minta Maaf kok repot amat -- *dan beberapa saran ala cintya =p

disini gue juga gamau nyindir siapa-siapa
cuman gue geregetan aja, kenapa si cuman ngucapin ' maaf ' aja susahnya kek lo dipaksa buat ikut kerja parodi (?)
itu cuman 1 kata woi . MAAF . EM - A - A - EF ! M - A - A - F !
*ga perlu gw jelasin kan kek anak kecil baru belajar membaca ?

gini deh gue bilang aja,
emangnya enak apa ya musuhan lama-lama ?
ga ada beban gitu di hati lo pada kalo punya musuh yg sahabat lo ato temen lo ndiri ?
ah gila kalo gw bilang
klo lo bener-bener ngerasa ga ada beban, sinting kali ye lo
ga ada hati si iye gue bilang -_-
terlalu beku buat ngebuka tuh hati, buat lo sadarin dikit aja gitu lingkungan elo

pemikiran lo juga musti diubah
jangan mikir ' orang dia yg salah, dia donk yg harus minta maap ma gue! '
itu salah besar ! lo ga boleh sampe mikir kek gitu
soalnya, mau kek apapun salah itu orang, siapa aja ni, lo musti berani buat minta maaf terlebih dahulu
mau lo yg salah atopun dia
kan kata orang ' tar pahalanya gede lhoo -_- '  emang bener si .
tapi point na juga, orang yg lo kasih permintaan maaf itu bakalan tersentuh hatinya lah
kalo kagak mah derita elo wkwk . KAGAKK CANDA GUEE -.-
kalo kagak mah yah, orang itu emang sama aja ga punya hati
ga bisa tau seberapa tulus lo minta maap

oh ya ! kalo mo minta maap juga pake hati woi . lupa bilang kan gue
jangan cuman ngmg sambil buang muka dengan tampang judes siap meledak terus gaya sok banci bilang,
' gue minta maap yeh, sorry gw salah, mo maapin gue ga?! udah deh buruan jawab yehh, gw ada urusan nih *sambil gerak sana gerak sini badanna* ayo donk buruu . capcus cinn ! '
yang ada kabur itu orang yg dimintain maaf -.- serius deh gue
gue aja yg ngetik udah mo muntah -_________-
ato juga jangan bilang kek gini
' woii . gw minta maaf yaa ! *sambil teriak dari jauh* gw beneran minta maaf nehh ! jangan marah lagi yaaa ! lo pasti maafin gw donk mamend . gw tau banget elo hueheheh *sok pede* udah yaaa DADAAAAAAAAAA '
itu mah yg ada malah lo ngebikin tambah rumit lagi masalahnya
rumit dalam artian lo ga bakal dimaafin as soon as possible kek yg lo harepin
yg ada orangnya yg lo mintain maaf malah ilfil muekekeke ~

gini aje dah .
- pokoknya lo minta maaf musti dari hati !
biar hasilnya yg keluar juga tulus dari mulut lo yg udah di proses di hati *gw baru tau kerjanya hati selaen buat bunuh kuman / penyakit / apapun itu yg ga baek buat tubuh, juga bisa buat bikin kata-kata yg tulus . hmm*
inget pake hati ! JANGAN PAKE TANGAN ! *nampar ato nonjok gtu*
jangan pake skill lo yg kekna jagoan padahal abal-abal
- lo juga musti liat sikon *situasi kondisi* nya juga .
ga boleh asal minta maaf juga di saat dia masih sangat amat marah sama seseorang ato sama lo . wahh kalo lo tetep nekad mah, nyari masalah juga
yg ini gue ga nanggung wkwk . soalnya gw ga pernah senekad elo --
- yg laenna yg perlu lo perhatiin juga, jangan bertele-tele juga kalo minta maaf . jangan malah memputerbalikkan fakta yg ada . ya udah lo ngalah aja . bagi yg ga bisa ngalah ni ye, lebih baek lo ke psikiater dlu gtu . telp aja num hapena . minta sapa geh !
gw juga ga punya masalahnya -- abis itu lo minta saran dari dia . soalnya gw bukan psikiater --

kesimpulannya nih :
sesakit-sakitnya lo udah dikecewain orang, lo udah di sakitin orang, lo dibikin nangis ma orang, pokoknya hal negatif yg udah orang bikin ke lo, lebih baek lo MAAFIN . balas kejahatan pake kebaikan, alhasil, semuanya akan berjalan dengan hikmat :p
oh ya, perbuatan yang tulus dari hati juga akan mendapat imbalan yang setimpal juga nantinya :) percaya deh ma guee
gue jamin ituu muekekeke ~ *meskipun bukan gue yg bales imbalanna wkwk* 
soalnya orang-orang tua sering bilang gitu ke gue,*gue kan begaulna dulu ma orang tua,tapi untungna aja muka gue ga jadi tua gara-gara nular gitu haha* gatau bener apa ga ya tapi gw jadiin prinsip hidup aja deh. daripada gue kualat tar, susah lhoo haha
jangan-jangan abis kualat gw jadi batu lagi (?)
lagian kan mereka juga udah banyak pengalaman gitu dehh . hidupnya juga udah lebih lama daripada kita huehehe =D

yah, saran dari gue itu ajaa .
bagi yang mau minta maaf moga-moga kebantu gitu gara-gara abis baca postingan gue yg yahh ga terlalu serius wkwk terlalu jayus mungkin (?)
tar kalo serius-serius amet ga ada yang baca nangis deh gue -___-'
blog gue jadinya mati begitu dehh wkwk . mnding gue bikin lucu-lucunya ajaa
sikit-sikit tak apa lah tak yoo ~ betul ? *jawab : BETUL BETUL BETUL (upin-ipin dund?)*
kan anak muda ini . bawa santai aja lah . let it flow aja kawann :)
soalnya yg lagi nulis juga lagi punya masalah muekekekeke ~ dan ga bisa ngucapin maaf dengan benar dan langsung omong wkwk ~
musti pake taktik cokss wkawka =p
sudah ya . kalo mo minta saran lbih jauh lbih lengkap lbih rinci lbih padet ato lbih memalukan, SILAHKAN COMMENT / KOMEN di akhir postingan ! 
terimakasih / xiexie / arigatou gozaimatsu / kamzahamnida :)

- cintyamelia ;)

PS / NB : sekali lagi, sorry ni buat yang ngerasa gw sindir wkwk . sebenernya si gw juga ga ada niat -_-'
cuman maap" aja kalo ada yg merasa TERSINDIR
siapapun itu orangnya :D GBU all haha

Friday, June 18, 2010

dont lie to your loved ones.
the truth hurts for a little while , but lies hurt forever
is the easiest thing in the world to loose and the hardest thing in the world to get back

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Starlight Tears

Saehayan byeolbichi nunmureul gamsaya
Ddaddeuthan barame nunmuri naeryeoyo
Geudae neugginayo

Joyonghi soksakineun geudaereul hyanghan I ddeolrimeul

Hayan jongiwee geudael geuryeoyo
Ddaddeuthan misoga nal anajoneyo
Ige sarangingayo

Du nuneul gama bwado geudaeman boineun geolyo

I'll be waiting for you geu dael gidarilgeyo
Deo isang apeun nunmul boiji aneulraeyo

You let me know geojitmal gateun sarang
Nochi aneul guh ehyo balo geudeh ni ggayo

Geudaewaye gieok sokeul geotgo isseoyo
Gaseumsok gadeukhi nunmuri goyeoyo

Na eoddeotge hajyo
Ggumsokeseodojocha geudaereul geuriweohaeyo

I'll be waiting for you geudael gidarilgeyo
Deo isang apeun nunmul boiji aneulraeyo

You let me know geojitmal gateun sarang
Nochi aneul guh ehyo balo geudeh ni ggayo

Nal barabwa jweoyo jeogi jeo byeoldeulcheoreom
Naemamui geudaega dweeojul su eobnayo

I'll be waiting for you geudael gidarilgeyo
Deo isang apeun nunmul boiji aneulraeyo
You let me know geojitmal gateun sarang
Nochi aneul guh ehyo balo geudeh ni ggayo

- Kim Yoo Kyung

Friday, June 11, 2010

Kenaikan Kelas :|

muekekeke .
oke sekarang gue dgn ga tau mo bangga apa gimna, tpi aslinya juga biasa aja seh -___-'
menyatakan :

saya, cintya amelia anak kelas 8C targads ;) . HARI INI TELAH NAIK KE KELAS IX ! ^^

taun lalu gue inget bangett ><
gue teriak-teriak 1 rumah gara-gara udah naek kelas 8, sekarang udah kelas 9 . KWKWK
bentar lage gue lulus, kuliah . BEBAS ! wkwk
ahh tapi masih lama lah ituu -______-'
intinya gw udah kelas IX . makin besar tanggungjawab gue . makin serius gw buat ngadepin UN ! WUHUU ! CAYO CAYO ! wkwk

btw, gw nyesek abis tadi pas bagi rapot -_-'
sebenernya si yah biasa, deg"kan ngga --' takut ga naek kelas juga ngga --' takut dimarain ortu juga ngga --' entahlah mau gue apa --'
gue mah udah deh ketawa ketawa aja haha :) karena gue tau gw ga dapet juara WKWKW =p
rank 4 for this year :( ahh tak apalahh wkwk ><
jadi pelajaran juga buat gue yg MALES iniii wkwk
oh yeah . congratz abis buat yg juara 3 besar umum sama juara" kelas hehe :)
berharap di kelas 9 kita jadi yg lebih baek dan menjadi yg terbaik wkwk =p

okehh . sekian dan terimakasih
for go to the next GRADES

- cintyamelia ;)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

A stranger you were once.
Then, with a gentle look you took my hand.
As our lives engaged,
you lit my life and I held both your hands.
Now that decades have passed,
ours souls have indeed become one.
How fortunate we are 
that we have found the love so true
that everyone dreams about.

- Laura Veronica Merodio -

Never Have I Fallen

Your lips speak soft sweetness
Your touch a cool caress
I am lost in your magic
My heart beats within your chest

I think of you each morning
And dream of you each night
I think of your arms being around me
And cannot express my delight

Never have I fallen
But I am quickly on my way
You hold a heart in your hands
That has never before been given away

- Rex A. Williams -

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

JUNE come earlier :)

haha :)
yeah, so couple weeks again, i'll past my 13 years old wkwk
exactly on 24th of JUNE ^^
mueheheh :D
hope lah, i'll have a great celebration *apakale*
in case, hope i'll get special present . HHU .
you know, i never got it from anyone -.- 

hmm now . IMAGINE, you've got a BIG BIRTHDAY PARTY *apadah*
you're like a princess . and your friends come to give you a gifts or say 'happy birthday' to you
what do you feel ? happy right ? oke same like i am -,-
but it will be or won't be come true on 24th ==
idk . yehaa, just past it. lol .

- cintyamelia ;)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Walk Away

I guess I should've known better,

to believe I'm a lucky chain, Oh.

I lent my heart out forever,
and finally learned each other's names.

I tell myself, "this time it's different."
No goodbyes, cause eyes can't bear to say it.
"I'll never survive on one that's coming",
If I stay, Ooh!

Just Walk Away! Ooh, and don't look back.
Cause if my heart breaks, It's gonna hurt so bad.
You know I'm strong, but I can't take that.
Before It's too late. Oh, just Walk Away!
(Walk, Walk, Walk Away) Ooh, just Walk Away!
(Walk, Walk, Walk) Away-aye-aye, yeah.

I really wish I could blame you, but I know
That it's no one's fault. No, No. No, No
Cinderella with no shoe, and
the prince that doesn't know he's lost.
He says that her face is so familiar, and
Goodbye with just the same old song.
But this time I will not surrender!
'Cause I'm gone, Ooh, yeah!

Just Walk Away! Ooh, and don't look back.
Cause if my heart breaks, It's gonna hurt so bad.
You know I'm strong, but I can't take that.
Before It's too late. Oh, just Walk Away!
(Walk, Walk, Walk Away) Ooh, just Walk Away!
(Walk, Walk, Walk) Away-aye-aye, yeah.

Ooh, I've got to let it go.
Start protecting my heart and soul.
Cause I don't think I'll survive a goodbye again.
Not again!

Just Walk Away! Ooh, and don't look back.
Cause if my heart breaks, It's gonna hurt so bad.
You know I'm strong, but I can't take that.
Before It's too late. (Before It's Too Late!)
Oh, just Walk Away!
(Walk, Walk, Walk Away) Walk Away, Walk Away, yeah!
(Walk, Walk, Walk Away!) Walk Away, Walk Away, All right!
(Walk Away, Walk Away, Yeah, Walk Away!) Walk Away, Walk Away.
(Oh, Walk, Walk, Walk Away!) Walk Away, Walk Away, Ooh..

- vanessa hudgens

Saturday, May 22, 2010


intinya sama kek postingan yg ' Menjelang UKK T_____T '
bedanya klo postingan yg itu masih 1 minggu sebelum UKK

br skrg kekna nih, gw ketakutan ngadepin ginian
keempat, FAKTOR KURANGNYA WAKTU GW ISTIRAHAT, tidur siang gituu
dan sebagainya -,-

hmm . guys, DOAIN GUE !
moga-moga bisa lulus dgn maksimal deh
target : minimal semua nilai diatas 80 ;)
:) so, mulai BESOK gw bakalan vacuum dulu buat ngadepin UKK ;)
wish me lucky guyss
haha :D oke okeh ?

- cintyamelia ;)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Boys Before (Over) Flowers

Boys Over Flowers ...

is a Korean drama adaptation of the Japanese manga Hana Yori Dango. It premiered on January 5, 2009 on KBS2TV and successfully ended on March 31, 2009 after 25 episodes. This is the third television drama adaptation of the popular Japanese manga Hana Yori Dango after the success of both the Taiwanese and Japanese versions.


While delivering a student's dry cleaning, Geum Jan Di saves the life of a heavily bullied student at the most prestigious school in South Korea. Her actions soon became public and exposes the bullying within the school, therefore enraging the public. To silence the public's attention, Jan Di is offered a swimming scholarship to Shinhwa High School which she declines but her family forces her to attend.
During her first day at Shinhwa, Jan Di learns of the famous F4 and of the other students' adoration and fixation with the boys in the group. Gu Jun Pyo, Yoon Ji Hoo, So Yi Jung, and Song Woo Bin are the richest and most powerful kids within Shinhwa and South Korea. Subsequently, they use their power to terrorize weaker students or those they do not like. Jan Di, instead of being impressed, becomes enraged and fantasizes about confronting Gu Jun Pyo, the leader and initiator of many of the bullying acts. She gains courage to confront him when a friend, Oh Min Ji, accidentally spills ice cream on his shoes and he demands the girl to lick it off. Jan Di defends her friend and attempts to reason with Jun Pyo's tyrannical demand. He refuses to relent and demands her to lick it herself. Feigning licking it, she bends down but shoves her own ice cream in his face. Enraged by this, Gu Jun Pyo declares war on Jan Di and encourages the other students to bully her. Jan Di, however, is resistant, refusing to apologize to Gu Jun Pyo, and stands by her decision to fight him.
Ironically, Gu Jun Pyo, having never been stood up to, begins to develop feelings for her. He tries unsuccessfully to woo her as she slowly begins to spend more time with Jun Pyo and his friends. Jan Di teaches Jun Pyo that money cannot buy everything and in order to have real friends, he himself must be real or use his heart, but Gu Jun Pyo still does not understand why someone like Jan Di should dislike him. As the story progresses, Jun Pyo falls deeper in love with Jan Di and she learns how to open herself to his love as well.
Jan Di's best friend, Ga Eul often finds herself in the same place as Yi Jung. Though she finds him attractive, she is initially annoyed by his arrogance. One day, Yi Jung finds Ga Eul crying after she is dumped by her boyfriend. He advises her to let him go, and later, to make her feel better, the two show up to a club in which he is attending. Yi Jung pretends to be in love with Ga Eul to make her ex jealous. He gives her his scarf and walks her home. After this, Ga Eul finds herself smitten with Yi Jung. On Valentine's Day, she waits outside his house, planning to give him chocolates. He shows up with two girls on his arm and on his table, he already has dozens of chocolates from other girls. When Ga Eul is upset, Yi Jung reminds her that their night at the club was only an act, and it's not his fault if she took it too seriously. Yi Jung feels bad, and gives Ga Eul a cake and flowers, when he mistakenly thinks it's her birthday. The two become friendly again.
As love begins to blossom between Jan Di and Jun Pyo, Jun Pyo's mother discovers them and deems it unsuitable. She does everything in her power to keep the two apart, even arranging a marriage for Jun Pyo. The other F4 members and Ga Eul try to bring them back together. Yi Jung and Song Woo Bin came up with a few plans, but they fail. They resort to So Yi Jung and Ga Eul pretending to go on a fake date, which upsets Jan Di because she doesn't consider Yi Jung good enough for her friend. She follows the two around with Jun Pyo by her side, making sure Yi Jung is treating Ga Eul appropriately. At first their plan was successful but because of Jun Pyo's mother, their relationship became strained again.
After their date, Ga Eul finds her self falling for Yi Jung again. Yi Jung feels the same way, but he can't bring himself to admit it, due to his doubt in true love. After a talk with the first girl Yi Jung loved, Ga Eul admits to Yi Jung how she feels about him and asks if he'll go on a real date with her. He rejects her, saying he doesn't date nice girls, foolish girls, or girls connected to his friends. He later changes his mind, and takes her out, though he spends all his time ignoring Ga Eul, and talking to other women. Moreover, Yi Jung takes Ga Eul to his father and tells him to date her. Their date ends with Ga Eul throwing water in Yi Jung's face, but Ga Eul still helps Yi Jung to get safely home when he is too drunk to do it himself.
Other factors keep arising as another member of the group falls in love with Jan Di (which was Yoon Ji Hoo and in a twist of fate, Jun Pyo loses his memory. A girl named Jang Yu Mi who was in the same hospital where Jun Pyo was confined, takes advantage of him to make him fall in love with her. Geum Jan Di never gives up for Jun Pyo to remember his love for her, even reenacting her former acts of defiance. In a last ditch attempt to help Jun Pyo regain his memory, she falls in the swimming pool letting Jun Pyo reminisce his love for her. On Jan Di's graduation, Jun Pyo proposes to her on the cable car at the NamSan Tower where their first date was held. Gu Jun Pyo told Jan Di that he needs to study abroad to fix problems regarding Shinhwa. Jun Pyo asks Jan Di to accompany him as his wife but Jan Di refuses because she has also plans for her future becoming a doctor. The two agreed but Jan Di told Jun Pyo that she will be waiting for 4 years on one condition--if Jun Pyo comes back as a "really amazing man."
After Ga Eul helps Yi Jung decipher the message his first love tried to send him, Yi Jung has a change of heart about their relationship. At his home, Yi Jung warns Ga Eul that he is a col guy but he's not a nice guy, and Ga Eul tells him that not every nice girl wants a nice guy. The two almost kiss, though they get interrupted. Later, Yi Jung visits Ga Eul to talk about their relationship. Before Yi Jung can confess how he feels for Ga Eul, she cuts him off, thanking him for giving her the chance to not have any regrets about the two of them, since she gave it her all. She leaves him before he ever gets the chance to say he loves her.
The story ends four years later and reveals what happened to the main cast - Yi Jung came back from Sweden where he'd held his art exhibition and visits Ga Eul, who became a kindergarten teacher. Ji Hoo is in the last year of medical school and reopens his Grandfather's clinic. Woo Bin is shown as being happy, but his career is never mentioned in the story. Lastly, Geum Jan Di goes to the beach near the University she was attending to see Jun Pyo. He then propose to Jan Di but the answer was still a question among viewers because when Jan Di was about to answer - Ji Hoo, Yi Jung and Woo Bin arrive saying that they object to the proposal because Jun Pyo and Jan Di didn't ask for their permission first... and they live peacefully.
Soulmate Vs Husband Boys over flower also focuses on the concept of "soulmate vs husband". Throughout the show, it is never clear who is Jan Di closest too. Even though she loves Jun Pyo, she spends all her deepest sorrows, fears and happiness with Ji Hoo. She has the deepest connection with him. Only at the end during the farewell dance it is revealed that Jan di truly considers Ji hoo her soulmate, even though her love of her life is Jun Pyo. Fans around the world are fiercely divided whether Jan di ending up with Jun Pyo was the right decision or not. The show also hints that, both Jun Pyo and Jan Di always need Ji hoo by their side for a smooth sailing in their life, as he is closest to both of them and understands them very well. The relationship between these three is one of the most well presented relationship of love and friendship in the show. Like Jun Pyo says, "he can't give up both friendship and love", and works hard to not loose both Jan Di as well as Ji hoo.


  • Koo Hye SunGeum Jan Di is the first girl to stand up to the leader of F4 Jun Pyo, and the first girl to earn the infamous Red Card. Through this, a chain of events ultimately leads to her falling in love with Ji Hoo and then Jun Pyo, as well as F4 becoming her closest friends.

  • Lee Min HoGu Jun Pyo is the hot-headed leader of F4 and the heir of the Shinhwa Corp Group, the most powerful company in the country. While still in high school, he meets Jan Di and is stunned by her act of defiance. Though at first determined to make her life miserable, he falls in love with her.

  • Kim Hyun JoongYoon Ji Hoo is a calm and soft-spoken boy who is shown to be very musical playing the violin, guitar and piano. He is a main rival for Jan Di's heart but he gives her up because he values his friendship with Jun Pyo.

  • Kim BumSo Yi Jung is from a family of well-known artists and is a reputable potter himself, making his first debut at the age of sixteen. His family owns a famous art gallery that exhibits national treasures. He is one of the two F4 playboys.

  • Kim JoonSong Woo Bin is from a family that runs an underworld organization, hinted to be the mafia. He is often seen betting with Yi Jung over various matters. He is one of the two F4 playboys.

Extended Cast

  • Kim So EunChu Ga Eul is Jan Di's best friend since kindergarten. She and Yi Jung work together and even go on a fake date in order to bring Jan Di and Jun Pyo back together. Eventually an attraction evolves between her and Yi Jung throughout the series.

  • Lee Shi YeongOh Min Ji is Jan Di's first friend when she transfers to Shinhwa High, secretly manipulating her to destroy Jun Pyo.

  • Han Chae YoungMin Seo Hyun is Ji Hoo's first love and a famous Korean model.

  • Jung Eui ChulLee Min Ha/Lee Ji Ha are two characters played by the same actor, first as the student that is saved by Jan Di, and later as his vengeful twin brother.

  • Lee Min JeongHa Jae Kyung is Jun Pyo's fiancee in the later part of the series who makes her first appearance when she runs into Jan Di in Macau.

  • Im Joo HwanSo II Hyun is Yi Jung's estranged older brother who threw away his family name in order to live a normal life. He carries a heavy burden for abandoning Yi Jung.

  • Park Soo JinCha Eun Jae is Yi Jung's first love. She is a teacher at a pottery class where Ga Eul goes, causing her and Yi Jung to cross paths after 3 years apart.

  • Kim Min JiJang Yu Mi is a girl at the same hospital where Jun Pyo was confined who takes advantage of his amnesia.

Geum Family:
Gu Family:
  • Lee Hye Yeong: Kang Hee Soo
  • Kim Hyun Joo: Gu Jun Hee
  • Jung Ho Bin: Jeong Seongrok
Mean Trio (Jin Sun Mi):
  • Gook Ji Yun: Choi Jin Hee, known as Ginger
  • Jang Ja Yun†: Park Sun Ja, known as Sunny
  • Min Yeong Won: Lee Mi Suk, known as Miranda
  • SS501 special performance, "UR MAN" in episode four


Boys Before Flowers Original Soundtrack: Part 1

  • Artist: Various
  • Language: Korean
  • Publisher: Doremi Media Co.
  • Release Date: January 23, 2009
  1. Paradise - T-Max
  2. Because I'm Stupid - SS501
  3. Do You Know - Someday
  4. Stand By Me - SHINee
  5. Lucky - Ashily
  6. Starlight Tears - Kim Yoo Kyung
  7. A Little - Suh Jin Young
  8. One More Time - Tree Bicycles
  9. I Know (Saxophone Inst.) - Lee Jung Sik
  10. Dance with me (Inst.)
  11. Blue Flower (Inst.)
  12. So sad (Inst.)
  13. Opening Title (Paradise Intro.) - T-Max

Boys Before Flowers Original Soundtrack: Part 2

  • Artist: Various
  • Language: Korean
  • Publisher: Doremi Media Co.
  • Release Date: March 16, 2009
  1. Say Yes - T-Max
  2. Wish Ur My Love - T-Max feat. J
  3. Yearning Heart - A'ST1
  4. Making A Lover - SS501
  5. What Should We Do - Jisun
  6. Love Is Fire - KARA
  7. Love U - Howl
  8. Almost Like Love - Brand New Day
  9. Tears Are Falling - Lee Sang Gon
  10. Cellogic (Inst.) - Kim Young Min
  11. 다가가다 (Inst.) - Dong Yo
  12. Be Strange (Inst.) - Park Hye Ri
  13. For The Sake Of Love (Inst.) - Park Hye Ri

Boys Before Flowers OST 2.5 - F4 Special Edition

  • Artist: Various
  • Language: Korean
  • Publisher: Mnet Media Co.
  • Release Date: March 18, 2009
  1. A Thing Called Happiness - Kim Hyun Joong
  2. Something Happened To My Heart - A&T (A'st1 & T-Max)
  3. Fight The Bad Feeling (Ballad Ver.) - T-MAX
  4. Fight The Bad Feeling (Dance Ver.) - T-MAX


  • 45th PaekSang Arts Awards: Best Newcomer Actors Award ([[edwin yeo
  • 45th PaekSang Arts Awards: Popularity Award (Kim Hyun Joong)
  • Seoul Drama Awards: Best Actor Award (Kim Hyun Joong)
  • Seoul Drama Awards: Best Drama Award
  • KBS Acting Awards: Netizen Award (Koo Hye Sun)
  • KBS Acting Awards: Best Couple Award (Lee Min HoKoo Hye Sun)
  • KBS Drama Awards: Male Rookie Award (Lee Min Ho)
  • KBS Drama Awards: Female Rookie Award (Kim So-eun)
  • KBS Acting Awards: Honorable Acting Award (Koo Hye Sun)
  • ASAP Philippines Pop Viewers Choice Awards: 2009 Pop Kapamilya TV character (Lee Min Ho)
  • USTV Philippines Awards: 2009 Best Asian television series

:) More photos about BBF, haptic pop, etc :) :

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