Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Thing That Kill You Most

Hi! Another good morning from me to you readers: ) how's your day? I hope it ruined well. Hihihi have you prepared something? Because this year is going to end in just a day! My family is going to have barbeque in my house for celebrate 2014. I can't wait for it.

Oh well, from my title of my post maybe you can conclude something like stress? Mental breakdown? Disease? And another thing else but I just want to tell you that my thing that kill me most is,

 is an emotion, and the word typically refers to the negative thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, and anxiety over an anticipated loss of something of great personal value, particularly in reference to a human connection (thanks wiki ;))

It's like a root of problems. This jealousy is going to kill me slowly if I always think about something again and again. Such a trouble. Such a sickness. Why jealousy? Because, in this world that we live, there are always better person, way better from us. I envy that person of course because why he or she so gorgeous? So talented? So perfect? And why I can't be like them?

Another reason is jealousy of love. This is the mooooooooost annoying thing. Trust me. You can not do or might think about anything IF this kind of thing attack you. So, hopefully, it doesn't happen to you : )  I know how it feel. It will stay until you let them go. Need advices? Comment below here and I will help you as much as I can. 

Seldom I think why I can't do anything better than them. I read some articles and find, their confidence that I always see, comes from their mind. Mindset. Have you ever hear that? This is the reason WHY I can't be like them. Of course I can. But my mind blocks my way. I need to set them to think I AM OVER THEM. That's it. Just simple as that. But yeah you know, learn theory is much more easier than do it in your life. :/ hah such a shame...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is the cause of YOUR jealousy?