Thursday, October 8, 2015


I remember the day when everything went smooth
I remember the day when everything upside down
I remember the day when everything is not complicated
But I insist to not make it simple

It is just like that...

If you live long enough, you'll make mistakes. But if you learn from them, you'll be a better person. It's how you handle adversity, not how it affects you. The main thing is never quit, never quit, never quit.
- William J. Clinton

It twisted on my mind, and could not even vanished
Bruised in my heart, and could not even erased
It needed a second, much seconds to stand
So realized
I. Need. A. Light. To. Cure. My. Nights.

I know
Maybe I didn't learn anything matter
Mistakes came over and again
Tried to seduce my inner mind
I was overwhelmed, I didn't know
But I was good. I was. I still good.

How to concurred this well
I was exhausted of tearing like I was gonna make a diamond
Nevertheless I just could not be perfect
It was defect
It gonna ruined everything
Why a single flaw can make everything disordered?

cr: pinterest

Me trying and trying
Falling and falling
Standing again and again
Still, can not keep me away from the ground
I learn the hard way everyone can ever do
Please do help me
I'll be everyone's want
Just... be my want as well

Is it okay? : ''

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