Friday, July 25, 2014

I Worried

Post ini beneran (ya keles boongan) gw tulis buat seseorang yang gaakan pernah melihat ke belakang dan tetap ngejalanin hidup dia, so do I. Tapi dengan satu syarat, you are happy. Satu hal yang bener-bener ganggu banget pikiran gw tiap kali gw liat lu dengan dia... satu hal yang bener-bener bikin hari gw runyam semua. Kesel? Pasti. Marah? Ada hak apa gw? Siapa gw di mata lu? Temen doang kan. Hahaha you better realise this thing soon sebelum semuanya terlambat. Lu harus cepet-cepet liat, telusuri, kalo perlu dateng lagi kesini atau spy? Jadi lu gaakan keburu jatuh ke lubang yang sama berkali-kali. I mean it. Bukan berarti gw mau lu ga bahagia, of course not, atau mungkin lu pikir gw menyesal, OH I DON'T. At all. Sadar. Tolong?

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

I See You

It's been a long hectic month to me for nothing at all, I repeat, at all. So frustrating because I was hoping for something and didn't know where or who I could tell it. It's like I was waiting forever, waiting for sky to turn green or sea to turn purple.

But then,

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Hashtag: #lovequote #quoteoftheday

"Love is being happy for the other person when they are happy, being sad for the person when they are sad, being together in good times and bad times. Love is the source of strength. Love is being honest with yourself at all times, being honest with the other person at all times telling, listening, respecting the truth and never pretending. Love is the source of reality."

Can you imagine, IF, there is no love for human in this world? cintyamelia
instagram: cintyamelia