Friday, August 29, 2014

Full Time Campus Student :>

Sesuai sama judulnya.... udah seminggu nih semenjak tanggal 25 Agustus 2014 ngejalanin kehidupan kampus yang berlokasi di Tangerang. 4 hari juga gw ngikutin masa ospek yang bisa dibilang acara full-time seminar gitu deh... 
Bosen? PASTI
Dapet apa? Gatau, ngantuk kayanya
Percuma dong? Ya ngga juga sih... Jadi lebih kenal lah sama daerah sama sistem universitas tuh kaya apa sih
Kalo disuruh ikut OSPEK nya lagi mau ga? GA

Galak banget ya? WKWKWK

Friday, July 25, 2014

I Worried

Post ini beneran (ya keles boongan) gw tulis buat seseorang yang gaakan pernah melihat ke belakang dan tetap ngejalanin hidup dia, so do I. Tapi dengan satu syarat, you are happy. Satu hal yang bener-bener ganggu banget pikiran gw tiap kali gw liat lu dengan dia... satu hal yang bener-bener bikin hari gw runyam semua. Kesel? Pasti. Marah? Ada hak apa gw? Siapa gw di mata lu? Temen doang kan. Hahaha you better realise this thing soon sebelum semuanya terlambat. Lu harus cepet-cepet liat, telusuri, kalo perlu dateng lagi kesini atau spy? Jadi lu gaakan keburu jatuh ke lubang yang sama berkali-kali. I mean it. Bukan berarti gw mau lu ga bahagia, of course not, atau mungkin lu pikir gw menyesal, OH I DON'T. At all. Sadar. Tolong?

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

I See You

It's been a long hectic month to me for nothing at all, I repeat, at all. So frustrating because I was hoping for something and didn't know where or who I could tell it. It's like I was waiting forever, waiting for sky to turn green or sea to turn purple.

But then,

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Hashtag: #lovequote #quoteoftheday

"Love is being happy for the other person when they are happy, being sad for the person when they are sad, being together in good times and bad times. Love is the source of strength. Love is being honest with yourself at all times, being honest with the other person at all times telling, listening, respecting the truth and never pretending. Love is the source of reality."

Can you imagine, IF, there is no love for human in this world? cintyamelia
instagram: cintyamelia

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Reality vs Heart

taken by me
Salah satu hal yang paling gabisa gw mengerti sampe saat ini.... cinta.

Monday, June 23, 2014

J'aime Aliments

(Read: I Love Foods)

Everyone eats foods because they need it. The most important thing beside water for our live. What if, foods are disappear? What will you do to replace them for your body? Don't even imagine it because... Our present will vanish. Completely.

In this... For the most delicious post I've ever made, I pick foods that I love, but maybe some of them only exist in Indonesia. So, shall we? :9

Saturday, June 21, 2014


Banyak hal yang udah terlewatkan dalam kurun waktu 2 bulan ini, but mostly, it is the most happiest moment in my life. Gapernah ngerasa sebegini bersyukur sama Tuhan buat semua yang udah diberikan dalam hidup gw. Tau kenapa gw bisa bilang gini? Liat aja badan gw. I'm back with my big belly, chubby cheeks, and lemakz. My best pals! Huraiii! *besok gw bakalan sedot lemak di Korea, liat aja lol*

Thursday, June 19, 2014


Almost 2 months. Gw belum sempet ngepost apa-apa. Terlalu sibuk dengan dunia sendiri, well bentar lagi gw bakal ngepost tentang apa yang udah terjadi dalam hidup gw. Apa yang harus gw lupakan dan apa yang harus gw banggakan.

Susah banget rasanya buat stick to the plan. Setidaknya, gw berhasil meraih beberapa goal untuk hidup gw ke depan. Penasaran kan? I'll post it soon! Love you, xoxo. 

Anyway, if you want to ask me something, you can reach me by cintyamelia 😘

Peace yo! #salam2jari cintyamelia
instagram: cintyamelia

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

I'm (not) Ready For National Exams

D-6 everybadeeeeeeeeh! 

for those who live in Indonesia, 12 grades especially, our nightmare and our future will determined this Monday. THIS. MONDAY. There's no much time left for this day ;'(

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

How are you? Are you doing okay there? It has been long time since I've seen you these days. I miss you, a lot.

Monday, February 24, 2014

An Ideal Guy

This time I know I haven't find someone fit with me yet. Someone who really understand me completely, someone who definitely loving me, and a man who appropriates 100% to 'my future man'. So who will God send for me?

Monday, February 17, 2014

Part 11


Baru saja Emma selesai menceritakan seluruh isi masalah dalam kepalanya dan ini yang ia dapat dari lelaki di hadapannya.

"Kau tak akan menemuinya bukan? Kau telah berjanji padaku berulang kali Ems. Oh Tuhan bisakah kau..."
"Cukup. Cukup Kev. Kau membuatku semakin pusing saja. Sudahlah aku lelah."
"Apa? Lelah? Hah. Sekarang kau bilang dirimu lelah dan dalam 3 hari ke depan kau akan menemuinya. Salahkah aku memarahimu sekarang? Aku tahu apa yang sedang terjadi dalam hidupmu sekarang Ems."

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

These Thoughts

Hai. Another hai from Indonesia! From my computer's desk and from my keyboard which type my words. Today is the last day for my practical exams, as you know I'm 12th grade now : ) , and I'm going to... tell you a little about my feeling. Well, it will be about anything actually so I'll start randomly : )

Saturday, February 1, 2014

February = Valentine ♥

Ga berasa loh ya udah bulan kedua aja di tahun 2014 ini. Februari. Feb 14. 14 Februari 2014. 14 Februari 14. Tanggalnya bagus banget buat orang yang mau nembak hiks ; ( tapi buat yang single kaya gw ya... It will be an ordinary day. As usual. : |

Friday, January 31, 2014

Part 10

"Hmm? Ah ternyata kau..."
Emma bangun setelah Fluffy, anjing kesayangannya, menjilati wajah pemiliknya. 

"Kau pintar sekali membangunkanku pagi ini."

Fluffy menurut ketika Emma mengelus-eluskan tangannya ke kepala mungil anjing jenis Beagle itu. Ia kemudian memasukkan kepalanya ke dalam selimut yang sontak membuat Emma tersenyum.

"Seandainya kau disini bersamaku, seperti kau Fluffy sayang. Mungkin aku terus bahagia seperti ini. Tapi mengapa matahari terasa sangat terik ya? Jangan-jangan..."

Emma meraih jam tangan putih di meja lampu kecil persis di samping tempat tidurnya dan betapa terkejutnya dia ketika waktu sudah menunjukkan pukul 9 pagi. Ia melompat dari tempat tidurnya dan langsung saja menuju ke kamar mandi.

"Fluffy kau di kasur saja sayang. Aku harus pergi menemui Alvin. Ayo sana jangan mempersulitku. Aku harus segera mengejar kereta. Aduh bodoh bodoh mengapa daritadi aku hanya bersantai-santai saja? Ah."


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Part 9

Bisa dibilang hidup ini sudah cukup sulit untukku jalani, ditambah pula dengan masalah pertunangan yang tiba-tiba dibatalkan begitu saja. Sebenarnya bukan itu yang aku pusingkan. Tetapi mengapa Emma tiba-tiba menutup hatinya? Mengapa diriku seperti tak mengenali dirinya lagi?

"Bisakah kita bertemu? Aku ingin..."

Tut. Tuut.

Alvin geram. Sudah kesekian kalinya ia melakukan panggilan yang diakhiri dengan bunyi itu. Untuk apa ia berusaha ketika wanita itu pun tak ingin ia hubungi?

"Menyebalkan. Awas saja sampai dia tidak mengangkat teleponnya lagi."


Monday, January 20, 2014

My Inspiration: Reuben Morgan

He's the third inspiration of mine after God and my dad. I really love his songs, the way he spreads words God through out his mouth. I can't really explain it. At first I think he's only an ordinary singer with good voice, but he really has something when he sings. He came to my church, Christ Cathedral (@ccmychurch), this morning and this evening. I came to both of those service schedule as you know -_- but it was totally fun!

Reuben Morgan (@reuben_morgan) was worshipping today

Saturday, January 18, 2014


Why do people forget this thing so badly? Even when you're in your friend's house, I think it's so important to take care of your way to act everything. Place to put your belonging, way to sit properly, even how to speak not too loud. I used to do that but I see everyone, almost everyone I know, don't care with those things. It's so damn suck.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

My Midnight Silent

is this only a thing I can show to people that I'm not in my deepest sadness?

What can I do?

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Emotionally Drained

Tau ga sih rasanya ketika lu lagi di posisi paling atas dan tiba-tiba dalam hitungan detik lu dihempaskan langsung ke bawah? Rasanya kaya diinjek-injek sejadi-jadinya sampe gatau lagi, gabisa mikir lagi sanggupkah gw bangun dengan sisa-sisa tenaga yang gw punya.

Pernah ga sih rasain ketika lu dalam posisi super senang dan ketika lu pikir dibalik kesenangan lu bahwa apa alasan lu senang, menjadi sesuatu yang membuat orang lain terpuruk? Alasan yang bikin orang benci dan marah dalam satu kondisi?


Kindly follow my instagram: cintyamelia and my twitter: @cintyamelia.

Thank you so much! xoxo ^^ 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Hectic Weeks Start Now. Like Seriously?

I will have a huge scale of project. Many projects actually with a little time they gave to me. It's such a... Horrible thing to pass in this early year, but it's okay as long I have fun with it so it'll be fine I guess. Hahaha project that I do is write a dialogue for me and my friends drama. I really loved to write and enjoy with it. Hope it will be great for my score ._.


 now it's half to two and I can't sleep at all. I hate this. I have to be healthy in this month and for next 3 months but yeah, I think I will drop again somehow. I don't hope it will happen again. Huh wish me luck!

Hmm. I'm avoiding someone this day. I don't know why but I don't want to get more closer with him. Sometimes I try to avoid but sometimes I want to get closer with him. Ih such as PHP girl -__- But the situation makes me have to do this. :'( I'm sorry dear. To you. I don't really want to do this seriously but you have to make your own paths. With or without me. :'( sometimes I enjoy be with him like couple days ago. He made me comfort and yeah I really like being there at that time... I just don't know. What's wrong with me..............................

If I can scream..... I will do it now. Like now. Oh yes now AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Hahhhh. Huhhhh. Heeeehh.  Hiiiiihhh. Hooohhhh. Sucks. I saw that pics on instagram this lately and I saw my lucky number on your cloth! What the?! -___- why you took mine! Hih. They are sooooo many numbers and why you take that one?! Hih!!!!!!!!!!!! Annoying. Asdfghjkl$&@"'!.-;27

Okay. Bye.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year 2014 and Congratulations I'm Yoona ♥ Lee Seung Gi !

2014 by chacha and my hands ;)

Happy New Year Everyone!!! Happy happy new year. I hope you all have good days this year ahead with more positive in everything! Yey so excited with today's fireworks. There are so many of them explode in the air like molotov (?) But yet I wish you fulfill with joy and happiness ; )

Still in this clowdy Wednesday... I got a shocking news. My idol... My favorite actress... I'm YoonA, well I guess you know her since her popularity is so high, she.........she......... is dating! Really dating. She has a real boyfriend and even SMTOWN doesn't deny the rumor. Guess the lucky guy?